Latest lawfare targets Trump AND Vance in preposterous charge

Leaders of a Haitian nonprofit group in Springfield, Ohio, have escalated their response to what they describe as a series of racially charged falsehoods by filing a criminal affidavit against former President Donald Trump and Senator JD Vance.

This legal action, lodged in Clark County Municipal Court, (here) accuses both figures of perpetuating harmful rumors that Haitian immigrants in Springfield were engaging in the consumption of local pets, including cats and dogs.

The affidavit, spearheaded by Guerline Jozef of the Haitian Bridge Alliance, outlines several criminal charges:

Haitian Bridge Alliance seeks arrest warrants for Trump and Vance because they

  • disrupted public service in violation of R.C. 2909.04(A) and 2909.04(B) by causing widespread bomb and other threats that resulted in massive disruptions to the public services in Springfield, Ohio.
  • made false alarms in violation of R.C. 2917.32(A) by knowingly causing alarm in the Springfield, Ohio community by continuing to repeat lies that state and local officials have said were false.
  • committed telecommunications harassment in violation of R.C. 2917.21(A) and
    S.C.O. § 537.08 by spreading claims they know to be false during the presidential debate, campaign rallies, nationally televised interviews, and social media.
  • committed aggravating menacing in violation R.C. 2917.21(A) by knowingly making intimidating statements with the intent to abuse, threaten, or harass the recipients.
  • committed aggravated menacing in violation of R.C. 2903.21(A) by knowingly causing others to falsely believe that members of the Springfield, Ohio Haitian community would cause serious physical harm to the person or property of others within the Springfield, Ohio community.
  • violated the complicity statute, R.C. 2923.03(A) and ordinance, S.C.O. § 501.10, by conspiring with one another and spreading vicious lies that caused innocent parties to be parties to their various crimes.Like those who falsely shout “fire!” in a crowded theater, Trump and Vance do not color within the lines of the First Amendment. They commit criminal acts.

While the filing of this affidavit reflects broader tensions around immigration, race, and political rhetoric in the U.S. it is also a blatant attempt to tie Trump and Vance up in court and more legal bills. We all know that many of the Haitians who are in Springfield are hard-working and are helping to revitalize the town. We hope they are grateful, legally resident and follow a proper path to citizenship and are not being ripped off as cheap labor.

The fact remains, many are here illegally and are uneducated, unsophisticated country folk who have been raised in abject poverty and are used to living off the land and taking what they want from wherever they can get it. These people must be checked for legal. status and if here illegally, deported. If they are here legally, we need to be doing a way better job of introducing them to our way of life.

Lawfare for me but not for thee
